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Robot sex pertama di dunia adalah Roxxxy diperkenalkan di pameran AVN Adult Entertainment Expo di Las Vegas. Robot berwujud perempuan dewasa ini memiliki kecerdasan buatan serta kulit sintetis mirip manusia. Dan penampilannya pun cukup menggoda.

Robot sex ini dibuat oleh perusahaan TrueCompanion.
Walaupun nggak bisa memasak, mengepel lantai,namun Roxxxy benar-benar sebuah robot seks yang dapat diandalkan oleh pasangan manusianya. Sebab tak hanya mahir urusan ranjang, Roxxxy diklaim memiliki kepribadian, pendengar yang baik, dapat bicara, merasakan sentuhan, bahkan bisa tertidur. begitulah yang dilansir AFP

Roxxxy memiliki 5 jenis kepribadian. Kepribadian bernama Wild Wendy misalnya, dikatakan punya sifat terbuka dan petualang. Sedangkan kepribadian Frigid Farrah cenderung pemalu.

Konsumen yang berminat bisa memesan fitur yang ada pada Roxxxy. Ras, warna rambut dan ukuran dada dapat dimodifikasi sesuai keinginan pengguna. Dan bagi para wanita yang juga berminat tak perlu kecewa, karena robot seks pria bernama Rocy juga sudah ada dan sedang dikembangkan.
Mereka yang sudah ngebet bisa langsung pesan online di truecompanion.com. Di sana, calon pembeli memberi informasi untuk membuat robot sesuai keinginannya. Roxxxy juga terhubung secara nirkabel dengan internet yang akan berguna jika ada update software.

Namun di sisi lain, keberadaan Roxxxy dinilai tidak bisa sepenuhnya menggantikan posisi manusia. Sebab, sebuah mesin dianggap tak dapat menawarkan sebuah hubungan yang intim. Terlebih lagi, tidak ada yang mampu menggantikan sentuhan manusia.

Roxxxy adalah sebuah robot seks cukup revolusioner karena dia diklaim memiliki banyak kemampuan, di samping kegunaannya di atas ranjang.
Hines menilai robot seks ini bisa jadi alternatif bagi mereka yang pemalu, punya disfungsi seksual, atau yang hanya ingin bereksperimen. Harga satu unit robot berkisar US$ 7000 sampai US$ 9000, tergantung fiturnya. Rencananya, sang robot dipasarkan pertama kali di Eropa dan Amerika Serikat, baru setelah itu di berbagai belahan dunia. (info: detikinet)

Perkembangan teknologi robot amat pesat. Para pakar sudah mulai punya berbagai visi tentang bagaimana suatu saat robot akan jadi teman manusia sehari-hari, bahkan jadi pasangan hidup.

Just opini:
Perkembangan teknologi yang begitu pesat dan seiring semakin tidak warasnya otak manusia, maka hal seperti inilah yang terjadi. Walaupun ROBOT SEX PERTAMA DI DUNIA adalah sebuah inovasi dan perkembangan teknologi, namun menurut saya jika dilihat dari tujuannya hal ini bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai yang ada dan bisa dibilang teknologi yang tidak membawa kebaikan malah menurunkan harkat dan martabat manusia. (sumber : http://www.faqih.net)

1 komentar:

  1. Why is masturbation a sin?


    Your question is very relevant, especially today.

    Jesus is coming soon!

    Indeed, we know that the devil is crafty, and one of his tricks is to isolate

    man from his fellows.

    Is arrived at such a point, we may even live a virtual life,

    work, eat and have a social life through a virtual character;

    This will take you to detach yourself from real life. Yet it is in the

    real life that God wants to meet us ...

    It is possible today to live a full and well

    without full

    never move out ... Individualism and the cult of the body are

    increasingly prevalent in our society.

    One way, proposed by the world, is to be sufficient in itself perhaps the

    masturbation. This is a complacency! No need of another partner,

    the husband or wife to share time healthy sexual relationships ...

    Actually, this is not how God sees it! God created

    man and woman to unite ...

    But let's see what the Bible says:

    1 Cor 6: 18

    Flee fornication. Every other sin a man commits this sin

    is out

    the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his

    own body.

    19 Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in

    you, that you have from God, and you are not your own point

    yourself? 20 For ye are bought with a price. Glorify

    So God

    in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.

    We must flee fornication, that is what this passage says. This

    body is

    longer yours, it is the temple of the Holy Spirit! It is not to not

    anything with our bodies.

    Often those who practice masturbation accompany this act


    pornographic videos or going into raptures in front of pictures like that.

    Masturbating implies to have a minimum of impure thoughts related to

    lust, to covet a man or a woman.

    Is it the glory of God? No.

    It is a sin!

    Matt 5: 8

    Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God!

    Matt 5: 28

    But I tell you that whoever looks at a woman lustfully has already

    committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes you

    to stumble, pluck it out and cast it from thee: for it is

    better for you that one of thy members should perish, and that thy whole body

    should be cast into hell. 30 And if thy right hand offend thee

    stumble, cut it off and cast it from thee: for it is


    you that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body go



    This passage is clear, if your hand or your eye is a stumbling ...

    Masturbation requires you to make the mind wander to things

    fornicators, men or women naked (s), you imagine practicing

    sexual activities with them.

    Can you sincerely pray just after practicing such things?

    Apocalypse 10:11 p.m.

    He that is unjust is unjust still, as that is contaminated

    filthy still: and the righteous still justice, and he who

    is holy be holy still.
